
When I’m working – which I am a LOT these days – a few minutes wandering around the internet lets my subconscious work out problems – be they fictional or real – and gives me a break, too. Here are a few places I’ve been this past week or so. I’ve tried to remember who sent them to me or where I saw them, but apologies if I’ve missed acknowledging you:

I’ve mentioned my writing friend Ev Bishop before. Her blog is lovely. She may not be the writer she wishes to be, as you’ll read in this entry, but she’s a writer I’m glad I know.

The lovely Laura Bradbury, who rents out her lovely vacation properties in Burgundy, led me to this excellent article. I’m a parent, so it resonated with me particularly, but I think it has applications beyond parenting.

In the interest of being able to laugh at myself, or at least the industry in which I work, I give you this video, which I saw on agent Nephele Tempest’s blog.


  1. Ev Bishop
    Jan 19, 2012

    “Excuse me. I need to go hit myself in the head with a hammer.”

    !!! Rotfl.

    Thanks for the kind words, Kathy. I’m glad you enjoyed my post. And thanks for the laugh. It was hilarious, even if it made me wince a few times–there’s definitely some truth to that clip. :)

  2. A Novel Woman
    Jan 19, 2012

